Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Travel and Vomit have become fascinatingly synonymous to me.  

There is something about a baby or toddler vomiting that is just incredible.  I think it is because the human is so small, yet that same human can destroy your clothes, hair, shoes, you name it, with one small hiccup that includes what I would call a vomit burp or VURP, moving forward.

I recall so clearly the first instance where my son vomited and I was shocked by the sheer amount of substance.  The first time I was really shocked and caught off guard, my friend Rebecca was visiting me and the baby. 

Just as he had finished I was standing in my living room burping him and suddenly heard what turned out to be a small VURP followed by what I can only describe as my own Niagara Falls.  Large white substance was flying out of this kids mouth like nothing I had ever seen.  It was white because of his formula and boy, does that smell bad.  

Shoes? Ruined.  
Clothes? Ruined.  
Hair? Forget it.

Fortunately I was at home.

You see, we travel with these kids.  You will become a Mom and still want to go on vacation or visit family or have some commitment that will require a plane, boat, train or automobile, and I will tell you, your child's stomach may not like the commitment.  

You are going to be so awesome about packing items one through ten million for the little Mr. or Ms., but you are not going to remember to pack a change of clothes for yourself.  

That is why I am telling you, pack a change of clothes for you.  

Mommy's remember to bring Junior ten different changes of clothing, for every temperature possible, but we find ourselves searching for something, anything that can double as a shirt.  I do not care how good of shape you are in, none of us can fit in to a size 6 month undershirt.  It also will not wrap around as a bandeau or halter top,
I know because I have tried. 

Rachel found herself on a cross country flight with two children, both under age 5.  Not only that, but her twin sister Jennifer, was accompanying her on the flight with her daughter, under the age of 2. While Rachel's daughter pooped that flight away like that child was getting paid by the pound, Jennifer's daughter vomited.  A lot.  All over Jennifer.  Jennifer was able to snag a shirt from a passenger who was witnessing this production of body functions that this little family was showcasing, and was able to change her clothes.  

Shortly after Jennifer changed her clothes, Rachel holding this little vomit machine found the same fate.  Only this time, no passenger had a shirt for poor Rachel.
Rachel begged the flight attendant for a spare anything.  The flight attendant would not budge.  We think it must be against Federal Aviation Guidelines for Flight Attendants to lend clothes to passengers covered in baby vomit, but do not quote me on that.

This is how Rachel found herself in a tiny tank top, getting off of a flight in NYC in the winter.

The moral of the story here, is pack a change of clothes for yourself.

Of note, this does not only occur on planes.  Be prepared for boats, cars, vans, taxis...

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