You don't spend years in the fashion and beauty industry without picking up some tips.
Time management becomes an insanely important skill because the hours are long and if you have other hobbies and interests, you need to know how to fit them in.
Long before I was "Mom," I learned ways to incorporate my fitness hobby in to my day.
I find weekends challenging for me to fit workouts in. Classes start later in the day, I'm talking 7:30/8:00, which is late for my crew, and I usually have a commitment in the 10ish range. My workout usually falls by the wayside and I start to feel a little crabby (a lot) by about 3pm.
I'm sharing a tip with you, whether you are a mommy or not.
There is an app called "Booya."
On this app a woman named Kira Stokes makes her intense NYC workouts available to you.
I'm not recommending this as a substitute for all of the great classes that may be available to you, but it is definitely something to add to your tools.
I go to the gym around the corner from me with my iPad and pick a workout. I almost always pick a Kira Stokes one.
I can not workout at home because my family members are under the impression that I am an information desk and chef.
It's awfully frustrating to try to get my booty lifting time in while simultaneously being asked, "why is the sky blue? Not dark blue. But that lighting blue? Tell me. TELL me now."
Or to be in plank and the dog start licking my nose.
Or my Husband saying, "are you sure you haven't seen my keys? Or hid them on me?!"
(I do that sometimes if I had too much wine. I think it's hysterical, I don't know why.)
I keep the sound on "mute" and I do my thing. It's a great way to fit in some "you" time in on your own schedule.
Check out Kira on Booya and please note I am not a paid endorser for either of Kira or Booya, I just think it's a lifesaving device when you are feeling a little like your ship is sinking.
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