Wednesday, March 2, 2016


I struggled with even discussing this topic on here, as I am not quite sure what the reaction will be.  Then I figured, why not?

I am going to preface this by saying I like Jenny McCarthy.  I think she is amusing, and I like that she tells things the way that they are.

That said, homegirl is not a doctor.

Not to say doctors know everything, because they do not.  No one does.

BUT, I found myself pondering if my son should get his MMR at age 1.  At his first birthday.  After having some wine and getting in to a conversation with another Mom, who assured me I should NOT vaccinate my son because he would become autistic.

Nothing about this is funny.  I was sick with nerves for a few days.

Then I did the research.  Again, I am not a doctor and certainly not one to quote stats, but I will tell you, if you find yourself in a situation like this, step away from the conversation, pour yourself a glass of wine and the following business day, call your Pediatrician.

Also, once again, GOOGLE!
I found so many studies to support my decision.

Point being, you will have lots of fish to fry on this journey.  Deal with things as they come and do not get too crazy over this.

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